The Silesian Library offers information services for individuals and institutions.
Services offered include:
- free of charge – library, catalogue information and informational, bibliographic and methodological counselling,
- for a fee: queries – development of thematic summaries, execution of orders for reprographic prints of library materials, searching for factual information, preparation of materials from the collections of the Silesian Library on a specific subject
Bibliographic lists are prepared on the basis of the library’s book collection and other information sources, including: Internet databases, catalogues of other libraries and resources of digital libraries.
The Library does not compile bibliographic lists for baccalaureate, bachelor’s, master’s, doctoral or post-doctoral dissertations.
Preisliste der Gebühren und Dienstleistungen in der Schlesischen Bibliothek (PDF 606 KB)
Bestellformular (PDF 86 KB)
Für Informationen kontaktieren Sie bitte:
Dział Udostępniania Zbiorów
plac Rady Europy 1, 40-021 Katowice
tel.: (+48) 32 208 37 40
fax: (+48) 32 208 37 20
Montag-Freitag 8.00-15.00 Uhr