European Documentation Centre

The European Documentation Centres (EDC) are an information network that was set up by the European Communities in 1963 to support education and research on European integration. Individual Centres operate under agreements between the European Commission and universities or other research institutions. There are currently more than 600 such centres worldwide, with around 400 located within the Member States of the European Union. Since 2005, the EDC network has been operating under the banner of the European information network “Europe Direct”. The European Documentation Centre in Katowice was established in 1992 as an initiative of the European Academy in Silesia, and since 1998 has been operating within the Silesian Library.

The European Documentation Centre collects and provides access to official publications of the European Union issued by the Publications Office of the European Union, including books, brochures, journals, leaflets, posters and electronic documents. The collection is supplemented by other European publications, collected by the Silesian Library.

The Centre provides access to the websites of institutions, databases and services of the European Union. It offers help in finding materials, informs about available sources of European information, responds to queries and searches. It also organises meetings on European issues aimed at young people, students and other interested parties.

Location symbol in the Integra electronic catalogue: CDE

European Documentation Centre
plac Rady Europy 1, 40-021 Katowice
tel.: (+48) 32 208 38 85

  • Online Exhibitions

    These are virtual thematic collections presenting selected stationary exhibitions or presenting library collections, including documents and objects. The collections are constantly supplemented with presentations, multimedia shows and photocasts.
