Lending Department

Books may be borrowed by adults enrolled in the library and by persons over 13 years of age with the guarantee of a parent or legal guardian (the second part of the registration sheet signed by the parent and the parent’s or legal guardian’s ID card is required). In all other cases, the collections can be used on site in the reading rooms.

What are the conditions for borrowing books?

  • books are ordered electronically to the Lending Department, through terminals located in the library, as well as online through the individual user account,
  • orders placed an hour before the closing of the Lending Department are carried out the next day,
  • books not collected from the Lending Department within 4 days are sent back to storerooms,
  • books may be borrowed only upon presentation of a valid library card. The owner of the library card is responsible for all loans made with their card.

What is the library’s borrowing limit?

  • the holder of a library card is entitled to borrow 10 volumes for a period of 4 weeks,
  • students, doctoral students and scholars (including foreign) of higher education institutions who have concluded a cooperation agreement with the Silesian Library, after submitting the document indicated in the agreement, are entitled to borrow 10 volumes for a period of 4 weeks,
  • researchers, who have presented a document certifying their status as a university researcher, are entitled to borrow 20 volumes for a period of 8 weeks,
  • foreigners are entitled to borrow 2 volumes for a period of 4 weeks.

The deadline for returning borrowed books can be extended four times, if they have not been reserved by other readers. Returns are accepted at the Lending Department (the 24-hour return of books is also possible through the book drop box).

An extension can be made no later than the due date for returning the books:

  • through an individual user’s online account,
  • in person at the Lending Department,
  • by phone: (+48) 32 208 37 48.

Fees for retention, destruction or loss of collections:

  • fee for keeping a collection beyond the specified date – PLN 1.50 per document, for each week of delay,
  • fee for sending a reminder: 3,30 PLN for the first reminder, 5,90 PLN for each subsequent reminder,
  • fee for destruction or damage to collections – the amount due is assessed according to the value of the damage,
  • fee for lost collections – fee according to the rules of using the collections.

Payments should be paid by bank transfer to the Library account: Santander Bank Polska S.A. 21 1090 1186 0000 0001 4306 5831.

Lending Department
plac Rady Europy 1, 40-021 Katowice
tel.: (+48) 32 208 37 48
Information available during the Silesian Library’s opening hours.

  • Online Exhibitions

    These are virtual thematic collections presenting selected stationary exhibitions or presenting library collections, including documents and objects. The collections are constantly supplemented with presentations, multimedia shows and photocasts.
