Interlibrary Lending Department
Every member of the Silesian Library can order needed materials using Interlibrary Loan Service. The service makes it possible to obtain books and other library materials that are not available at libraries in Katowice and are not available in Internet in full text version.
Orders received from other libraries (including the foreign ones) are also processed. The Silesian Library makes its collections available to other libraries, institutions, organizations and companies.
How long does it take to process an order?
- For materials to obtain from Polish libraries: 1–6 weeks,
- For materials to obtain from foreign libraries: 2 weeks–3 months.
Interlibrary Loan Service enables users to be notified about the arrival of requested materials. A way of notification (phone, e-mail) is the user’s choice.
Materials obtained through the Interlibrary Loan Service are made available for a period of 1–4 weeks in site, in the designated reading room of the Silesian Library.
Can a user renew materials received through interlibrary loan service?
A user can request a renewal of obtained materials by notifying the Interlibrary Loan Service not later than a week before the loan period expiry date.
Items received from foreign libraries cannot be renewed.
Are there charges for the interlibrary loan service?
Yes. Charges (e.g. shipping costs) imposed by a lending library are the responsibility of a user.
Price list of fees and services provided by the Silesian Library (PDF 606 KB)
Payment can be made to the library account:
Santander Bank Polska S.A. 21 1090 1186 0000 0001 4306 5831
Interlibrary Lending Department
plac Rady Europy 1, 40-021 Katowice
tel.: (+48) 32 208 37 42