Editorial Guidelines

  1. Texts must be in the font Times New Roman 12 pt (line spacing 1,5 and margins 2.5×2.5 cm), justified, without manual transfer of words.
  2. Titles of books, articles, dramas, and films – in italics; titles of periodicals (journals, magazines, newspapers) – in a straight typeface and quotation marks.
  3. Quotations placed in the text should be in quotation marks, and citations longer than one sentence should be separated (in the font Times New Roman 10 pt, line spacing 1, without quotation marks).
  4. Footnotes are placed at the bottom of every page. Elements of footnotes are separated by commas, and the footnotes end with a full stop.
  5. Elements of footnotes: initial of the author’s first name and full last name, title (in italics), editor (if needed) or translator, the publishing location, the year of publishing, and page numbers.
  6. For texts in Polish, references and abbreviations in footnotes must be in Polish: tamże, taż, tenże, dz. cyt., zob., por.
  7. For texts in other languages, references and abbreviations in footnotes should be in the language of the primary text or Latin.
  8. References to the Internet sources: author, title [online], address of the site, access mode, and date of the access.
  9. The primary text should be without abbreviations (exception for: e.g., i.e., et al., etc.).

  • Online Exhibitions

    These are virtual thematic collections presenting selected stationary exhibitions or presenting library collections, including documents and objects. The collections are constantly supplemented with presentations, multimedia shows and photocasts.
